lightning electric motorcycle long-term parking (more than one month) after the re-ride of the line, not the tire cracking, battery power loss is the carburetor, fuel tank blocked, abnormal engine noise and other symptoms. So, a lot of friends with emotion, motorcycle riding bad worse than lying. In fact, you do the following at the time of motorbikes, can ensure that the car unharmed.
1, the first motorcycle clean, dry or dried, exposed moving parts (such as chain), adjustment bolts, bearings, etc. should be washed and coated with oil or butter rust.
2, will be released from the fuel tank of gasoline in sealed containers. Otherwise, two wheel gasoline scooter the gasoline "light components" will be reduced due to prolonged placement (volatilize into the atmosphere), resulting in difficulty in starting or not start the motorcycle phenomenon. At the same time, should also be exhausted within the gasoline carburetor to prevent clogging impurities in gasoline carburetor jet, oil channels and other components.
3, will be taken down from the car battery clean, stop the vehicle before use, add enough electricity stored in a dry place and charge it once a month. motorcycle engine parts do not release the electrolyte in the battery, causing the plates to prevent oxidation of the exposed plates in the air.
Four, four-stroke lightning electric motorcycle should inject a certain amount of oil in the exhaust pipe. Remove the exhaust pipe from the car, adding a small amount of oil from the front end of the exhaust pipe, and then installed the exhaust pipe, and then start the engine so that the oil evenly distributed in the inner wall of the exhaust pipe to prevent rust.
5. Remove the spark plugs, electric scooter motor cylinder filling to about 20ml of pure four-stroke motorcycle engine oil from the spark plug port, fitted spark plug, turn off the ignition lock switch (OFF position), foot start lever 5-6 times, so that the oil evenly distributed in the cylinder wall. If you do not kick start the motorcycle can remove the spark plug cap, turn the ignition lock switch (ON position), press the start button for 2-3 seconds.
6, front and rear tire pressure to maintain standards, if the tire pressure is too low will cause premature aging of the tires and produce cracks.
7, the support from a large brace, lightning electric motorcycle tire pressure to the required standard, the tire wood pad up, so that the wheels can not be in contact with the ground.
8, the car covered with a breathable cotton good (not plastic tape or cloth covering the paint), park in well-ventilated, dry, clean, rain, sun's place, and the bogey and flammable, corrosive chemicals and other harmful objects stored together, otherwise it will accelerate the appearance of aging motorcycle prematurely become older.
9, for safety reasons, the ignition switch is turned off, the key is removed, be sure to lock the orientation, plus a lock before the big shock absorber rear wheel lock or lock lock safer.
An electric motorcycle motors of electric vehicles, a shape similar to a motorcycle, but it is a battery to drive the traveling motors.
Emergency measures in a moving way electric motorcycle motors can not start
Driving on the way suddenly turn off electric motorcycle motors, spare parts can not be repaired without spare parts replacement, emergency measures can be used to make a motorcycle traveling smoothly up to the destination, emergency measures are:
(1) When a break beside the spark plug electrodes, slowly bend the center electrode is connected to the lower edge of the pitch about 0.6mm, can continue to be used.
(2) When the spark plug hole threads partially damaged skid, electric motorcycle scooter can lined with a thin copper wire or around asbestos (it is not, can also be used instead of cotton), then screwed into the spark plug.
(3) broken carburetor float, the float may be released within the gasoline, and then with a hot blade (coolish, to dark gray) comfort hot rupture. tricycle engine float can be soldered using copper.
(4) electric motorcycle motors machine breaker contact spring break, temporarily between the movable arm and the spring fixing screws to install a rubber ring, low-voltage ignition coil termination to the active arm, can makeshift. But should prevent broken springs Ground.
(5) capacitor shorted, can be carefully disassembled breakdown amputated part, will take a good aluminum pad good insulation and tight re-waxed, makeshift.
electric cub motorcycles quickly identify faulty ignition circuit method
Syria has been previously, resulting in electric cub motorcycles start moving most of the fault lies not in the ignition circuit, therefore, to grasp and understand the rapid identification of the ignition circuit fault approach to jump start a motorcycle of great benefit, for a brief introduction as follows: first, unscrew the spark plug, the spark plug from the hex nut on the cylinder at about 5 ~ 8mm, and let the spark plug skirt facing our sight, electric scooter motor that our eyes can see part of the spark plug center electrode space inside. Then start the engine several times, according to the following four cases troubleshooting:
(1) when produced between the spark plug and the cylinder block 5 ~ 8mm long sparks, and can hear the sound of the discharge, while the gap of the spark between the center electrode and the side electrode of a spark is generated also described high voltage ignition circuit is normal. If the engine still does not start, then the blame check the ignition advance angle is correct. If the ignition timing is correct, then the high-voltage ignition system failures.
(2) When there are 5 ~ 8mm spark between the spark plug and the cylinder body, but between the spark plug center electrode and the spark-side electrode, while the inner space of the center electrode spark occurs, meaning that high-voltage ignition circuit is still normal, the spark plug may be severe or internal carbon spark plug insulator breakdown, for a new spark plug, the engine will be able to start.
(3) When the length between the spark plug and cylinder block produces sparks reach 5 ~ 8mm, when only 2 to 3mm, there are contacts for ignition, it should first check the contact breaker gap platinum, if
(According to the provisions of the general plant data sheet is adjusted) between 0.35 ~ 0.45mm, should be considered as normal; then polished down dozens of contacts with fine emery cloth, then wipe clean cloth dipped in gasoline contact surfaces; then start the engine several times, but careful observation breaker contacts between the size of the spark. If the spark intense, electric cub motorcycles is a capacitor in parallel with the contact failure (open circuit), the capacitor can be replaced with a new start. If the spark is weak, showed a spark plug electrode covered with oil, motorcycle engine size should be excluded from the cylinder lubricating oil, cleaning the spark plug electrodes.
(4) when there is no spark between the spark plug and the cylinder, then the primary (low pressure section) ignition circuit failure. First check whether there is a gap between the breaker contacts. If there is no gap, the contact gap should be adjusted to 0.25 ~ 0.5mm, and polished wipe. If you can not be adjusted, may be a breaker of friction block wear, breakage, loss, or a pressure spring break, fail, should be replaced with new parts. If there is a gap, the contact surfaces polished clean. If the engine still does not start, electric cub motorcycles must check each low voltage circuit terminals and wires for wear body contact caused by short circuit or open welding, broken places. If Ground place, use tape or other means to make the disengagement. There disconnection place to reconnect, to weld. Without the above phenomenon, we must check whether a short circuit capacitor failure. Can be put under the capacitor welding, measured by other methods (such as a battery in series with the lamp method) at low voltage coil is open circuit or open welding places. If open welding, breaking local, timely weld.
lightning electric motorcycle
First, do a few warm-up exercises gymnastics, avoid excessive force and muscle strain; then lightning electric motorcycle will be launched from the parking position, at least toward the front section of the linear distance of 10m ready to promote; then check the fuel supply system, fuel tank has not enough fuel? Whether gasoline shape setting in the open position? When you are ready to work on a motorcycle ride across the transmission hang 2 files (generally two or three-speed gear most likely to start), but it is not linked to the second gear when the engine rotation may be a bit of trouble, as long as the motorcycle before shaking few will be able to easily into the file. After entering the second speed, in the case of clutch engagement, and then straining the lightning electric motorcycle back and forth several times, electric scooter motor and make full use of its own weight motorcycle will lubricate the piston ring and cylinder wall, in order to reduce start-up resistance, and also to insure the crankshaft difficult to start in the dead center or bottom dead center position to help start the engine when the car carts. Then, leaning on the left side of the body off, hands clasped direction to keep the two files, pull the choke point, twist the car keys to position the left hand while grasping the clutch lever to disengage the clutch, the car slowly move forward, when the car reaches the highest possible speed, releasing the clutch and turn the throttle, then the engine will start up crashed. At the same time, immediately disengage the clutch and keep the throttle quickly, right index finger and middle finger to manipulate the former front brake, stop the car. Place the transmission in neutral right hang, parking stand down and let the car idle for 2-3min, you can start up. Skilled, then push the car forward 5m able to start the engine.
electric motorcycle motors, lightning electric motorcycle, electric cub motorcycles
electric motorcycle motors circuit problem
electric motorcycle motors have some experience, a few days later when parked beloved horse, is very difficult to start the engine after a breathless reply breathing still, how it can not start. With experience naturally try to start the cart way to start the engine, this approach may seem easy, but it is still a little trick.
We must first determine the cause of the problem can not start the circuit or other problems, it is not difficult to distinguish, motorcycle engine size the car keys to the location, check the horn and headlights, if the speaker does not ring, the headlights are not bright, indicating that battery power is depleted. This is because the motorcycle battery capacity is small, due to the constant self-discharge after a period of time leads to the parking level is low, it is no big deal, as long as the engine motorcycle, electric motorcycle motors will also travel some distance from the battery is fully charged. Of course, if the battery has come to an end after its launch is still not charging properly, it should be replaced as soon as possible. In general, in addition to the continuously variable scooter, the other may be employed motorcycle carts start the engine quickly launch manner.
electric cub motorcycles exhaust black smoke
electric cub motorcycles to check the concentration of the mixture. Failure symptoms, first check the carburetor throttle. When the engine is working properly, whether catching X vertical organization, failure can not be together, open the phenomenon, if it should be repaired or replaced. Secondly, you should also check: float chamber oil is too high; if not leaking float float; main jet needle is open too; air filter is clogged and so on. After the engine flameout, speaking from the carburetor main nozzle, triumph cub motorcycle or a drop of oil if the oil outflow, indicating float chamber oil level is too high, it should float up tongue subslice appropriate needle bending or increased acne under appropriate pad sheet to adjust. Check the float, if the rupture leakage occurs, should be welding repair or replacement. Note that after the welding repair will increase the weight of the float, loaded with You must re-commissioning, to ensure the normal liquid level. motorcycle engine size whether there is a triangular needle Mifengbuyan, etc., if it should be replaced. Check the filter, if clogging, and should be cleaned or replaced.
Check the spark plug arcing electric cub motorcycles situation. If the spark plug arcing or flashover unusual weak, mixed gas will not burn the whole, the situation will also appear black smoke. Disconnect the spark plug for normal arcing, sparks strong spark plug no fault; if not spark the spark plug electrode along the beating, but four weeks flash, flash is not normal spark plug, electric motorcycle scooter a new spark plug should be replaced; if the spark plug fouling seriously, it cleaned.
electric cub motorcycles black smoke exhaust line procedure, if pieces of the "chug" sound and "blasting" sound, then the ignition late. If that happens, it is promptly corrected.
analysis of non-normal lightning electric motorcycle exhaust failure
1, the exhaust pipe to take blue smoke
Take the blue smoke of failure phenomenon: the engine work, at the end of the exhaust muffler often visible light blue smoke, lightning electric motorcycle and a phenomenon of excessive oil consumption. Failure may be: engine oil level triumph cub motorcycle is too high; cylinder compression pressure is lower than a predetermined value; clearance between the piston, the piston and the cylinder bore increases.
2, exhaust black smoke
Symptoms of black smoke are: the engine work, exhaust black smoke and smell the pungent smell of petrol, the more motorcycle engine size obvious when accelerating. Failure may be: the mixture too thick; bad spark plug; ignition late.
3, white smoke exhaust pipe
White smoke is the primary symptom: When lightning electric motorcycle to work, take the white smoke exhaust pipe. Failure may be: fuel contains water; muffler cylinder or moisture.
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